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Classes and Spiritual Education

Current and Upcoming Unity Classes:

Principles of True Prosperity

Eight week class in two concurrent sessions:

  • Tuesdays: January 23-March 12, 6:30pm-7:45pm

  • Wednesdays: January 24-March 13, 11:00am-12:15pm

Rev. Anne Hickey & Carol Schultz (LUT)

Within each of us is an inner urge to live life to its fullest, and to share that fullness with others. Discover ‘true prosperity’ and the laws that govern spiritual economics.

Participants in this course will learn how to:

  • Work with the flow of life, instead of against it

  • Develop a prosperous attitude about money, health, and love

  • Reep greater rewards from your work, and release your success power

  • Reverse financial adversity

  • Achieve true security

  • Create abundance through the power of giving

  • Maintain your inner focus on affluence


Based on the writings of Eric Butterworth & Charles Fillmore.

REGISTER in the Foyer.

Classes given on a Love Offering basis.

What is Spiritual Metaphysics?

The study of spiritual metaphysics is a comprehensive subject consisting of powerful Divine Ideas, Principles and Laws that can be used to improve everyday life. Spiritual metaphysics explores beliefs and concepts that are above and beyond the physical plane. Quantum physics, metaphysics and physical science are closely related. Spiritual metaphysics as described by the Unity movement emphasises the importance of both our thinking and feeling natures. The compassionate practice of spiritual metaphysics enables us to have an awareness of a loving and peaceful life and world.

Spiritual Development Program (SDP) offers a structured course of study for students looking to expand and deepen their spiritual awareness. The completion of this 25-course program opens the door to credentialing as a Licensed Unity Teacher or Unity Minister.

Five women seated around a table
Five members attending workshop
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